

Retrieve the code from SVN: If you are new to SVN, try
TortoiseSVN. The main openglreport directory has the following important subdirectories. A bin folder containing OpenGLReport.class is created when the applet is built.

If you are not familiar with Java or Eclipse, see Building and Running Details. Otherwise, simply add the openglreport project directory to your Eclipse workspace, and run it as an applet. To run in a web browser, create OpenGLReport.jar in the html directory by double clicking on OpenGLReport.jardesc in the Package Explorer in Eclipse, then point your web server to the html directory. Also see Deployment and JOGL Notes below.

Building and Running Details

If you are new to Java or Eclipse, use the following steps.

How to build and run using Eclipse

Running in a web browser using IIS on Windows Vista/7


JOGL Notes

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